A compilation of the most commonly used words in the world of industrial water treatment. Here’s what each term mean.
The bacteriological process relies entirely on the degradation of pollutants by a variety of microorganisms, including friendly bacteria, protozoa, amoebae, rotifers, typically found in nature.
Biological treatment is a process applied to wastewater (industrial and/or domestic), utilizing microorganisms, typically bacteria in flake form. This biomass utilizes biodegradable organic substances present in the wastewater for nourishment, reproduction, and to degrade contaminants into smaller compounds.
Through a complex filtration system and reconcentration it is possible to extract caustic soda and reconcentrate it at the required Baumè grade.
Color removal can be achieved through appropriate biological treatment and technologies such as resin filtration, reverse osmosis, and advanced chemical oxidation.
Eutrophication is the process whereby water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater become over-enriched with nutrients, leading to the overgrowth of simple plants.
A Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) combines a biological reactor with membranes, ensuring the complete removal of suspended solids, along with a further reduction in BOD, COD, and color during wastewater treatment.
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a process that allows the demineralization or deionization of water by pushing it under pressure through a semi-permeable reverse osmosis membrane.
By employing sophisticated filtration technologies, it becomes possible to extract a pure brine solution with a remarkably high salinity level, directly applicable to dyeing processes.
Wastewater from the textile and leather industry has an average pH value much higher than 11-12, so a neutralization process is required before the wastewater is treated or discharged into the environment or sewage.
Wastewater recovery involves treating wastewater with the goal of reintegrating it into industrial processes.
Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) is an engineering approach applied to wastewater treatment, aiming for the total reuse of wastewater and the complete elimination of liquid discharge into the environment.
ZDHC is a multi-stakeholder organization comprising over 320 signatories from across the industry including Brands, Suppliers, Solution Providers and Chemical Suppliers.
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